Benedict Cumberbatch.exe

This es story of my life by Groose


I saw a spooky man in my driveway and a plane wrote you will die with its smoke It was a dark and scary night and the spooky man said ready for round 666. I ate KFC and went to slep. I woke up and saw him stating nekst to my bed and he said and he gave me an USB and he screamed in pane and he look like this
I put th USB into my coputer and istaed of Normal sound I hear loud scream I is scare but I still keep go. It show file name Benedict_Cumberbatch.exe And I scream so loud I sound like constipate. I play it an I walk forward and see the spooky man looking at me and I said aaah go away scary man I just want to slep byut he stayd looking at me an he said I am god and he ran so fast after me and I die but I had more lifes and I ran oposite way but he still run and kill me. I try to turn off copute but he jump out of screen and he kill me and I run away and get in car but I see this he shoot me and I was dead and I ran away to me house again to get my knife and I stabbed him
Over 9000 times but he punche me and I flew and died
The end
This is a picture I saw in the usb